Archive | Dharma Talks

Recordings for 2022 February 16 – March 2, 2022 Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students with Marcia Rose

February 16, 2022 – Early Morning Introductions and Metta Chant


February 16, 2022 – Morning Marcia Settling In Instructions


February 16, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Samvega Spiritual Urgency


February 17, 2022 – Morning Marcia Guided Sit – Concentration


February 17, 2022 – Afternoon Marcia More Instructions – Concentration


February 17, 2022 – Evening Dhamma Talk – Sila


February 18, 2022 – Morning – Reflection & Instructions


February 18, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Wise Concentration


February 19, 2022 – Morning Marcia Reflection on Patience


February 19, 2022 – Evening Dhamma Talk – The Hindrances


February 20, 2022 – Morning Reflection on Continuity of Practice


February 21, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – The Wholesome and Beautiful Mind


February 22, 2022 – Morning Marcia Reflection from Nadia Boulanger


February 23, 2022 – Morning Instructions – Concentration Breath Body Sensations


February 23, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Mindfulness of the Body


February 24, 2022 – Morning Marcia Reading from “Stopping the War” (Chapter 27 in Steven Levine’s book Healing Into Life)


February 24, 2022 – Evening Dhamma Talk – Mindfulness of Vedana – Feeling Tone


February 25, 2022 – Morning Reflection & Instructions on Vedana


February 25, 2022 – Afternoon Guided Metta Part 1


February 25, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk & Practice – Four Elements


February 26, 2022 – Morning Marcia Anapanasati Practice


February 26, 2022 – Afternoon Guided Metta Part 2


February 26, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Mindfulness of Mind


February 27, 2022 – Afternoon Guided Metta Part 3


February 27, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – The Heart’s Release


February 28, 2022 – Morning Marcia Guided Meditation


February 28, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Equanimity


March 1, 2022 – Morning Reading from The First Free Women Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns collection by Matty Weingast


March 1, 2022 – Evening Marcia Dhamma Talk – Through The Looking Glass Anicca, Dukkha, Annata


March 2, 2022 – Morning Marcia Closing Talk


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2021 February ONLINE Metta Upekkha Retreat with Marcia Rose & teaching assistant Kristina Baré

February 11, 2021  Marcia Rose – Opening Instructions & Metta Chant


February 11, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions Metta for Oneself


February 11, 2021  Marcia Rose – Walking Instructions


February 11, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions Metta for Benefactor


February 11, 2021  Marcia Rose – Dhamma Talk Metta


February 12, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions Metta for Friend


February 12, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions Metta for Family


February 12, 2021  Marcia Rose – Dhamma Talk  Why Metta?


February 13, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions  Metta for Neutral Person


February 13, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions  Metta for Difficult Person


February 13, 2021  Kristina Baré – Dhamma Talk  Learning to Love the Hindrances


February 14, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions   Metta for All Humans


February 14, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions   Metta for All Creatures


February 14, 2021  Marcia Rose – Dhamma Talk  Forgiveness


February 15, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions   Metta for All Categories & Directions


February 15, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions   Equanimity for Self


February 15, 2021  Marcia Rose – Dhamma Talk  Equanimity


February 16, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions   Equanimity for Friends


February 16, 2021  Marcia Rose – Instructions   Equanimity for Family


February 16, 2021   Kristina Baré – Dhamma Talk  Equanimity


February 17, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions   Equanimity for Difficult People


February 17, 2021  Kristina Baré – Instructions   Equanimity for All Humans


February 17, 2021  Marcia Rose –  Dhamma Talk  Practice Here There Everywhere


February 17, 2021  Onandaga Thanksgiving Address  “Words That Come Before All Else”


February 18, 2021  Marcia Rose – Guided Sit & Reflection from Mingyur Rimpoche


February 18, 2021  Kristina Baré – Guided Metta Body Scan


February 18, 2021  Marcia Rose – Closing Circle, Guided Metta, Q&A


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2020 November ONLINE Samatha/Concentration Retreat with Marcia Rose & teaching assistant Kristina Baré

November 8, 2020  Brief Instructions & Metta Chant with Marcia Rose


November 8, 2020  Sunday Instructions with Marcia Rose


November 8, 2020 Refuges & Precepts with Marcia Rose


November 8, 2020 Dhamma Talk – Sila Samadhi Panna with Marcia Rose


November 9, 2020  Instructions & Techniques for Anapana with Kristina Baré


November 9, 2020 Dhamma Talk – Afflictive Emotions with Marcia Rose


November 10, 2020  Instructions on Balanced Effort with Kristina Baré


November 11, 2020  Reflection on Concentration with Marcia Rose


November 11, 2020 Dhamma Talk – Practice Here There Everywhere with Marcia Rose



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Wednesday, July 8, 2020 Morning Chant, *Introductions, Reflection on Dhammavihari:  One Dwelling in the Dhamma, Instructions (*Omitted from the recording for privacy)


Wednesday, July 8, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Mindfulness:  Engaged – Mindful – Careful


Thursday, July 9, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Saddha (Faith), Instructions


Thursday, July 9, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Metta as a Brahmavihara & Base for Liberation


Friday, July 10, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Vedana (Feeling Tone), Instructions


Friday, July 10, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Practicing with Thoughts


Saturday, July 11, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Kilesas (Defilements), Instructions


Saturday, July 11, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Death – Our Close Friend


Sunday, July 12, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Renunciation, Instructions


Sunday, July 12, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Walking Meditation


Monday, July 13, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Slowing Down in Walking Meditation & Daily Activities and Insights, Instructions


Monday, July 13, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Freedom


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Morning Chant, Reflection on Expectations, Instructions


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Appamada (Diligence)


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Morning Chant (starts part way in), Reflection on The Four Noble Truths, Instructions


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  The Protective Power of the Dhamma


Thursday, July 16, 2020 Morning Chant (partial), Reflection on The Non-Beauty of the Body, Instructions


Thursday, July 16, 2020 Dhamma Talk:  Gratitude


Friday, July 17, 2020  Morning All Chants, Reflection on Gradual Purification, Instructions


Friday, July 17, 2020 Closing Session:  Reflection on Practice, *Sharing (*Omitted from the recording for privacy)

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2019 Seeing Things With Love: an Insight Meditation & Loving Kindness Meditation Retreat with Winnie Nazarko

September 14, 2019  Morning Instructions


September 14, 2019 Dhamma Talk – Life of the Buddha


September 15, 2019 Dhamma Talk – The Noble Eight Fold Path


September 16, 2019 Dhamma Talk – The Hindrances


September 17, 2019 Dhamma Talk – Forgiveness


September 19, 2019 Dhamma Talk – Closing Talk

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