Just as with her own life a mother shields
from hurt her child,
her only child,
Let all-embracing thoughts
for all beings be yours.
— The Buddha, the Metta Sutta

Twenty one years ago the word mission stood at the heart of what was to become The Mountain Hermitage. The founding of The Mountain Hermitage would manifest a deeply personal mission – to transform a dynamic idea to actions that would carry the Dhamma into the wider world. The few, but powerful words of The Mountain Hermitage Mission Statement have steered every action we have taken, every retreat, and now every online offering we have offered, and guided our continuing efforts to realize that vision in all that we do.
We define our sole purpose: To offer the Buddha’s teachings … to spiritual seekers in their search for truth and liberation, and add this significant commitment:…with a heartfelt emphasis on multicultural practitioners.
On behalf of those we serve, we invite you to join us as we bring this heartfelt emphasis to fresh reality through supporting spiritual seekers. For many prospective retreatants, monastics, and people all over the world, the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have exacerbated an already difficult financial condition. Scholarship needs for our in-person and online retreats have increased over the past twelve years and will likely continue into the uncertain future that faces us all.
Words from a Grateful Scholarship Recipient
“I am filled with a sense of joy, delight and amazement that such good fortune could be part of my life.
The time at the Retreat went by quickly, each day revealing some new aspect of clinging to ‘I, Me and Mine’ and
allowing the graceful release of that habitual clinging.”
Your generous gift of $1,000, $500, $250, – or whatever amount you feel you can share, will help support TMH and an array of 2025-2026 TMH online & in-person retreat offerings that embody our core mission of bringing the Dhamma to all. The Mountain Hermitage is navigating these uncertain and turbulent waters as best it can. But make no mistake – it is wholly the support and shared mission commitment of friends in the Dhamma that breathe life and vitality into all that we do.
Will you join all of us in this spirit of giving?
Because of the generosity of all of you who have supported us in the past and who continue to support us, The Mountain Hermitage is able to continue as an organization and to continue offering in-person & online retreats in the upcoming year and beyond… At this time of great uncertainty, we find ourselves in the unique situation of offering in-person retreats which may or may not happen. We have much gratitude to the Dhamma teachers, Dhamma practitioners, and our dedicated board of directors and staff who continue to support us and our mission. We are blessed indeed!!
Early May 2026 – WEEK LONG RETREAT with Greg Scharf
Update on TMH’s COVID – 19 Protocol
We want to make sure that everyone participating at a TMH retreat will be safe. We will continue to seek guidance from our NM department of health and the CDC as well as from our Board, teachers, and staff. If you apply for our in-person retreats, you will be asked to wear a mask when in a space with other people for the first part of the retreat, and agree to follow certain guidelines that will help us all stay healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for your support of TMH and for your patience and understanding.
See our Retreat and Event Schedule for extensive information on these 2024 (and beyond!) retreats — including the Practice Guidelines document, the Application Form and Scholarship Forms.
“It was my deepest practice experience, and rewarding in more ways than I could have imagined.”
–Hermitage yogi
Every month we add a new Dharma article to the Reflections on Practice page.
Please check back for new insights.
The Mountain Hermitage continues to offer a short Dharma article in the e-flyers we send out every month. If you wish to receive these mailings, you can sign up for our mailing list by clicking on the Join Our Mailing List link. It’s a good way to stay updated on our retreat offerings as well as receiving a monthly “nugget” of Dharma inspiration. You can also be in touch by visiting our Facebook page.