Tag Archives | July 2012 Self No Self
These are the Dharma talks and shorter morning reflections offered by Marcia Rose at the Self No Self and the Creative Process retreat held at Taos Ski Valley in July 2012, co-taught by Wynne Fricke and Sean Murphy.
Marcia: Reflection: Faith 7/19/12
Marcia: Talk: Through the Looking Glass — The Reality of Not Self 7/19/12
Marcia: Reflection: Poems “Fox” and “Look Again” 7/20/12
Marcia: Reflection: The Power of the Mind 7/21/12
Marcia: Reflection: Transforming Afflictive Mind States 7/22/12
Marcia: Talk: Practice Here, There and Everywhere 7/22/12
July 2012 Self No Self and the Creative Process with Marcia Rose, Wynne Fricke & Sean Murphy
Click HERE to listen to the Dharma talks and the shorter morning instructions and reflections from this retreat.
Note: these talks were recorded in Mono. This is a problem for some players. On some computers, the “download” option will launch a different player than the “play in new window” option. One or the other may work better, so try both.
About This Retreat
This very special retreat offered a unique opportunity for Dhamma students to engage in two weeks of practice grounded in the Vipassana teachings and practices with an orientation towards investigating Self–No Self in relation to the creative process. Along with sitting, walking, Dhamma talks, individual practice interviews and some group discussion, we explored the flow of creative energy in relationship to “self-view” via movement, seeing/drawing, and writing.
Marcia Rose (for biography, see Guiding teacher page)
Movement Teacher Wynn Fricke is a choreographer, dancer and somatic movement educator (www.wynnfricke.com). She has worked with Zenon Dance Company for nine years as a dancer and fifteen years as a choreographer. Her choreography has been produced nationally and internationally and she has been honored with multiple fellowships from the McKnight Foundation, Jerome Foundation, and Minnesota State Arts Board. Since 2008, she has served on the faculty of Macalester College in the Department of Theatre and Dance where she teaches Experiential Anatomy and the Mind-Body Connection and other somatic-based courses. Wynn is a long-time practitioner of mindfulness meditation with extensive training in the Mahasi Sayadaw and Thai Forest Traditions. She is co-founder of Common Ground Meditation Center in Minneapolis (www.commongroundmeditation.org) where she teaches Hatha Yoga and has served on the Board of Directors since 2003.
Writing Teacher Sean Murphy holds an MFA in Writing from the Naropa Institute, and teaches seminars in writing, meditation, and creativity for many organizations, including his own Big Sky Writing Workshops and the University of New Mexico in Taos (www.murphyzen.com) . He is the author of One Bird, One Stone, a chronicle of Zen practice in America, as well as three novels. His debut, The Hope Valley Hubcap King, won the Hemingway Award for a First Novel. Sean has been a practitioner of Zen Buddhism for more than 20 years.