There’s an ancient teaching that I’ve heard many times over the years. Every time I’ve heard it & every time I’ve shared this teaching with others, I find something new, some aspect that re-inspires…some facet of fresh new beauty appears.
Each of you reading this article are in this moment experiencing the gift, protection & the grace…the great blessing of having obtained a precious human existence. It’s rare, this precious human existence…& especially rare from the standpoint of the Dhamma. Those who have a precious human existence with all the conditions, opportunities & blessings in place to have connected with & to be able to practice the Dhamma are as rare as daytime stars. Just being in a human body is actually a remarkably rare occurrence in light of the amazing variety & numbers of all the various life forms that inhabit this planet. Shariputta, one of the Buddha’s chief disciples, once asked the Buddha about the difference in numbers between humans & other living beings. The Buddha compared this to the dust on his fingernail versus the dirt of the whole earth.
It is great good fortune to have a human body. Our human body is the basis for practicing the Dhamma, the basis for crossing over the ocean of samsara to the side of liberation…crossing over to awakening out the sleep of confusion, sorrow & distress.
An ancient metaphor tells us that if all the world were water & a golden ring 2 feet in diameter was cast out upon this watery world to be blown about by the winds, a blind turtle surfacing once every 100 yrs. would put its neck through this ring more easily than it is for one to obtain a precious human existence. And yet here we are…what good Karma!
Cultivating the appropriately right motivation in relation to our Dhamma practice is strongly aided & supported by rejoicing in the fact that we have obtained a precious human birth & have decided to pursue the causes of happiness & not the causes of suffering. The great East Indian teacher Nisargadtha speaks about this as “being selfish in the right way”. Rejoicing in the fact that one is alive & connected to the Dhamma is truly a blessing that lightens the heart & helps to set a tone for practice that is one of the primary factors necessary for liberation…the heart/mind/ of joy.
The range of our precious human existence & capacity is varied & wide. Amidst all of the inevitable challenges & difficulties in our lives, along with all of the ordinary everyday pleasures & enjoyable experiences that we experience, as we all know, there can be more of one or the other during various periods along the way. Overall for most of us there is a mix & a balance as our lives unfold.
Early one morning years ago when I was in Benaris India, I heard someone singing beautiful BAJANS/devotional spiritual songs on a street corner. I looked around & found the singer… a young man with a very bright & beautiful face & a small deformed & twisted, but clean & fresh body. He was sitting on the ground singing his heart out. As I stood & listened, my heart was moved to meet his exquisite heartfelt expression. Every morning for the next few days I went to be with him… to listen & to receive the teachings & the energy of love, faith & devotion through the beauty of his voice & his being.
There is the possibility of deep strength & beauty of heart & mind within the great blessing of our precious human existence.
CLICK HERE to listen to Marcia’s full Dharma talk