Photo Archive





Photo Archive » April 2012 Retreat
Annie at lunch.jpg
Buddha San G.jpg
Chris & Marcia at lunch.jpg
Chris in San G kitchen.jpg
Driving to Taos day retreat starts.jpg
First day 2.jpg
First day 3.jpg
First day.jpg
Fruit blossoms in snow 2.jpg
Fruit blossoms in snow.jpg
Hills behind San G 2.jpg
Hills behind San G.jpg
Looking west to Tres Orellas.jpg
Lunch line.jpg
Marcia on San G grounds.jpg
San G altar with window.jpg
San G blossoms.jpg
San G buddha.jpg
San G curtains to meditaiton hall 2.jpg
San G curtains to meditaiton hall.jpg
San G dandelions.jpg
San G fireplace with candle.jpg
San G front 1.jpg
San G front with red chair.jpg
San G grounds.jpg
San G indoor flowers.jpg
San G kitchen.jpg
San G labyrinth.jpg
San G Meditation hall in shadow2.jpg
San G meditation hall.jpg
San G nicho.jpg
San G porch.jpg
San G spring tulips 2.jpg
San G spring tulips 3.jpg
San G spring tulips 4.jpg
San G spring tulips 5.jpg
San G stone statue front.jpg
San G stone woman & fish.jpg
San G terrace.jpg
San G tulips 5.jpg
San G tulips yellow & red.jpg
San G tulips yellow.jpg
San spring tulips.jpg
Spring flowers on San G wall.jpg
Surya & Pam in kitchen.jpg
Surya in kitchen.jpg
Ven D & Sister D in lunch line.jpg
San G front lawn.jpg
Final day 2.jpg
Final day 3.jpg